Predictive data analytics for sustainable herding

We built a predictive dashboard to anticipate changes in water and grazing land availability in Senegal — to promote peace and stronger policy.

Climate TechPublic services, NGOAPI DesignCloud InfrastructureArtificial IntelligenceData EngineeringPoC/MVP/Seed Stage

The story

Africa’s Sahel region is the semi-arid belt south of the Sahara Desert stretching from Senegal to Chad, where pastoralism and agriculture contribute to almost 90% of the economy. Increasing climate variability and the resulting onset of negative shocks, in conjunction with population growth, economic vulnerability, and social and political marginalization, are significantly impacting the ability of the Sahelian pastoralists to cope with these changes.

Think-it’s role

Predictive analytics and model training.

  • Leverage satellite imagery from SentinelHub API to detect monthly water level changes — and train machine learning models for water surface availability: SARIMA AND RNN-LSTM.

  • Open-source platform development. Use Google Earth Engine to implement an application for detecting and embedding key factors in a dynamic dashboard —including NDVI, NDWI, and changes in temperature and population for the Sahel region

Why it mattered

We were able to affect two important areas:

Preventative Policymaking: Giving policymakers and NGOs data-driven insights to fuel more informed decision- making — like where to direct herding routes

Conflict prevention: Predicting and minimizing record-level incidents of violence and property damage between nomadic and agricultural communities.

Tech stack

Data ModelingVisualizationTime-Series

What our partners say about us

Our team is on a mission to unpack the complexity of climate change impacts in the Western Sahel — but we need the right technical team to help us bring disparate data together and see the big picture. Think-its proactive search and recommendations for the right data and technology were instrumental in building the prototype of a decision-making tool that helps regional leaders drive sustainable transformation in their communities.
NigoraProject Lead

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